For those of you who know who Joseph Oldham is you likely are on his email distribution list and receive this update each week. We are grateful that Joseph has agreed to allow our little blog to re-post his weekly update. If you have an interest in the happenings of energy efficiency and local government throughout California this is the update for you! If you love the information here, but want more in depth features be sure to check out Joseph's quarterly newsletter, CURRENTS.
1. Do Sustainable Building Design
Certifications Provide ROI?
This article contains a report from Underwriters Labs that
provides a frank evaluation of the value of sustainable building
certifications. It provides a good reality check. To read the full
article, go here:
2. Quarterly Stakeholder EM&V Meeting June 9
The meeting will be held at the CPUC in the Golden Gate Room
[directly accessible from Golden Gate Avenue] from 10:00 am. to 4:00
p.m. Updated call-in and webinar information is provided below.
The meeting’s theme will be a special spotlight on Local
Government EE program efforts. Included within the program are highlights of
recent Energy Division staff efforts to improve EM&V accommodations for and
recognition of the Local Government sector along with a sneak preview of the
results of recent opinion surveys that gauged satisfaction among customers and
stakeholders of the local government partnerships, the Regional Energy
Networks, the investor-owned utilities, and the Energy Division.
Rounding out the program will be presentations on code
compliance efforts, impact studies, a SDG&E Agriculture Sector Market
Study, a joint PG&E– SCE LED Midstream Trial Evaluations, and a
PG&E Retail Plug Load Evaluation. As is customary, any study plans or reports presented at the
workshop will be made available on the CPUC Public Comment due date for
submitting comments.
Energy Efficiency
Quarterly Stakeholder EM&V Meeting
June 9, 2015
10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
California Public
Utilities Commission
505 Van Ness, San
Francisco, CA
Courtyard Room
To invite others to
join, copy and paste everything below into your invitation.
Meeting information
Topic: EE Quarterly
Stakeholder EM&V Meeting
Date: Tuesday, June 9,
Time: 10:00 am, Pacific
Daylight Time (San Francisco, GMT-07:00)
Meeting Number: 273 088
Meeting Password:
To start or join the
online meeting
Participant passcode: 336
3. Lighting Reigns as
Top Energy Efficiency Upgrade
4. Public
Comment + Webinar: Draft Research Plan for PY 2013-2015 California Statewide
Codes and Standards Program Impact Evaluation: Phase One
The draft research plan for PY 2013-2015 California Statewide
Codes and Standards Program Impact Evaluation: Phase One is available for
public comments. This is the Phase 1 of the evaluation, covering appliance
standards (Title 20 and Federal) effective during the program cycle and building
codes (Title 24) for nonresidential alterations.
Commission staff and independent consultants Cadmus and DNV-GL
will host a webinar on June 10, 2015 10-11:30 am to present the draft
research plan. Details of the webinar will follow.
Alternatively, the draft research plan may be downloaded
from . Select
the search tab and then select Portfolio Cycle 2013-2014 and search text
‘C&S1’ (no quotes). Click the search button and you will see the file for
Comments should be uploaded to the website by clicking “comment”
on the draft research plan by 5pm on June 19, 2015. In order to post
comments, you will need to register on the site with an address and password.
And that is all for
this week!